Author: Katie Duckworth
How to rock working from home
So, it looks as though you might be working from home for a while. Perhaps you’re feeling jittery about it. You love the buzz of the office. The ringing of phones and the chatter around you. You thrive on the energy of the team bouncing ideas about. I know this is how some of my…
Workplace conflict: how to nip it in the bud
You’ve noticed things don’t seem too cheery in the office. There’s palpable tension in the Comms team and you’re beginning to wonder what on earth is going on. Did Hannah really walk out of the room the minute Sam walked in last week? And that sniping in the yesterday’s meeting! What was that all about?…
Why would anyone follow me?
One of my clients recently had a big wobble in one of our coaching sessions. She’d been thinking about role models in the sector and wondering what she could learn from them. As we talked, I could feel the mood changing. These inspirational leaders, who at the start of our chat felt like peers and…
New Year Thinking
So, here we are again – the start of a new year. A new decade, no less. It’s time to set your New Year resolutions! That’s what we’re supposed to do, right? Er, no. That’s traditionally what goes on. And traditionally, who actually achieves their New Year resolutions? Not many of us, is my guess.…
How to be inclusive – despite the bias
A guest blog by Lucy Gower, Founder and Director at Lucidity. There’s a lot of talk about diversity right now. Diversity just means different. Every single one of us is a unique human being with different experiences, values and beliefs. Any difference is diversity It might refer to gender, ethnicity, background, skills, age or experience.…
How to succeed by failing
We’ve all been there. A really crucial event at work has gone wrong – and it’s your fault! It’s over and you’re home now, bracing yourself for all the criticism and fallout from your mistakes. Your stomach’s fluttering, your mind’s buzzing with regret and with those ‘staircase thoughts’ – the sort that only come when…
The seven best books for awesome leaders
When I start coaching with a new non-profit leader I usually get asked for a list of what to read. I’ve ceased being surprised that these busy people want to keep learning and growing between all the other million things they have to do. I guess that’s why they’ve come to me too. There are…
Is “fun” a dirty word at work?
I was recently invited to write a guest blog for Great Charity Speakers. I’d hate for you to miss out on all the fun, so here’s a shortened version for you to enjoy. The full version is here. So, politics has gone mad. Injustices are multiplying. Poverty is on the rise and the funds to…
Imposter Syndrome: It’s a fraud and a fake
I was on a call last week with a fabulous charity CEO. She told me she’d never had any professional development in her ten years in the role, and that now it was time for her. I totally agree. It’s definitely time for her and I’d be honoured to start coaching with her, should she…
Six reasons you won’t be needing a coach any time soon
I’m a mentor and coach for non-profit leaders. And I’m about to list six incredibly good reasons why you might not need to work with one. Am I mad? Well, maybe. I’m thoroughly convinced of the power of coaching and what it can do for purposeful leaders, but…. It isn’t right for everyone, all of…