Help! My manager is too corporate for my team

You’ve just heard that your newly appointed team leader is fresh from the corporate world. Images of power suits and top-down decision-making fill you with fear. There are grumblings of resentment…

But hang on a minute! Increasing numbers of people with business backgrounds are now working in charities and voluntary organisations, and in my experience of coaching and training in the third sector, there’s really no need to be downhearted when you find yourself with a corporate manager:

  • First of all, don’t jump to conclusions. Your new manager may not fit the stereotype. After all, why would they want to work in your value-led charity if they were only interested in making your life difficult?
  • Be assured that senior managers will have appointed him or her because they have complementary skills to yours. They won’t be coming in and rubbishing what you and your colleagues do. Demonstrate your skills and talents to your new manager and let them know how keen you are to work positively together.
  • Welcome this interesting opportunity to glean new perspectives and approaches. You may well end up having a valuable synergy of experience and knowledge which will hopefully make a better service for users and beneficiaries.
  • Lucky you, having someone heading your team with sharp commercial skills. They’ll be fighting your corner at senior management level and ensuring you get the very best support and resources.
  • Remember – they may have a different managerial style to the one you’re used to, but at the end of the day, your new manager will want to bring out the best in you and help you to work effectively. Have an open mind and you may be surprised by how much you can learn.
  • If you work in the third sector and would like to see how coaching can help you and your staff please contact me here.



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One response to “Help! My manager is too corporate for my team”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Katie Duckworth, Katie Duckworth. Katie Duckworth said: Have you got a manager from the corporate sector? #third sector […]